Chronicle of war:

34 days left till the Great Patriotic War Victory Day

In 1956 the Immortal Garrison (Russian: «Бессмертный гарнизон») feature film hit the soviet cinemas to become the nation’s legendary motion picture, dedicated to the defenders of the Brest Fortress. The film is set on June 22 – July 20, 1941, portraying the nationwide patriotic surge in the dark times of the Nazi invasion, the self-sacrificial spirit of the soviet people, their unity in the face of the enemy. Directors Zakhar Agranenko and Eduard Tisse invited such famous actors as Vasily Makarov, Nilolai Kryuchkov, and Vladimir Yemelyanov. This Mosfilm produce was specially noted at the Venice International Film Festival, receiving and honorary diploma.

For more information on war heroes go to Our Victory official website.


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Project Coordinator:
Pavel Revenko
Tel.: +7 495 995 0595


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