In 1943, the Tashkent Film Studio released the Two Soldiers feature movie. The film was shot during the WWII mass evacuation. The legendary film by director Leonid Lukov is based on Lev Slavin’s My Fellow Countrymen novel. It is a story of a true battlefield friendship between Arkady Dzyubin, a cheerful and good-natured Odessa guy, and Sasha Svintsov, aka "Sash from Uralmash"; a story full of humour, goodness, and a true understanding of a soldier’s life. That’s why the movie has won the sympathies of many soviet people. The Two Soldiers was the first film to proclaim the universal truth: during a war, not only do you fight but you also live… The legendary Leningrad Front was mainly engaged in trench war, the pauses between action becoming longer and longer, providing a unique opportunity to watch the war heroes in their everyday life, to eavesdrop on their simple conversation and jokes, just to look into their eyes. For more information on war heroes visit Our Victory social project official website.