Chronicle of war:

17 days left till the Great Patriotic War Victory Day

In the last year of the Great Patriotic War the 6 O’clock in the Evening After the War feature film, directed by Ivan Pyryev, was released. The romantic and poetical movie reflected not only the chronicles of the war, but also the atmosphere of the period, the people’s faith in the swift victory and peaceful life ever after. The naïve lovers are separated for several years by the war, but as Fate would have it, Vasily Kudryashov, an artilleryman and Varya Pankova, an anti-aircraft gunner are destined to happily reunite thereafter at their old meeting place. Marina Ladynina and Yevgeny Samoilov starred the movie.

Such legendary songs as The Artillerymen’s March and The Moscow Defenders“ Song were first heard in the film. After Stalin’s death the chorus to the first one that ran as follows, “Artillerymen, an order Stalin gave!” was deleted from the archives. However, in 1969, during the film’s restoration, the chorus was brought back, only now it sounded as, “An order accurate is given!”

For more information on war heroes visit Our Victory social project official website.

The Artillerymen's March from The 6 O’clock
in the Evening After the War feature film

© 2024  ECC Sokolniki
Project Coordinator:
Pavel Revenko
Tel.: +7 495 995 0595


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