Ivan Konev
![]() Ivan Konev – the Soviet leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union. Konev was born in a peasant family in Lodeyno-village of the Vologda-region on December 28, 1897. A member of the CPSU since 1918. He graduated from a county school in a neighboring village of Pushma in 1912. Started to work as a wood rafter when he was 12. In 1916 he was conscripted into the Army. Participated in World War I. After completing the training course of the Artillery Division as a junior non-commissioned officer, he was sent to the South-West front. In 1918 was demobilized. In 1918 Ivan Konev was appointed military commissar in Nikolsk. Fought for the Red Army. He was Commissar of the armored train, then of a subdivision and division, of a regiment, division, corps, the People-s-Revolutionary Far East Army. After the Civil War he was Commissar of the 17th Rifle Seaside Corps, then Commissar and Chief of Political Infantry Division. He took courses for the higher command personnel in 1926. He was commander and deputy commander of a division. Commanded infantry division. Konev graduated from Frunze Military Academy (1934), in 1938 was appointed a commander of a regiment, the 2nd Separate Far East Army of the Red Banner (1938-1940). In 1940-1941 commanded the troops of Trans Baikal and the North-Caucasus military districts. During the Great Patriotic War Konev commanded the 19th army, the West Front’s troops (September – October, 1941), was badly wounded at Vyazma. Zhukov saved him from execution. He successfully acted in the battle of Moscow (1941-1942). During the battle of Kursk, together with the forces of General N.F. Vatutin he defeated the enemy at the Belgorod-Kharkov bridgehead – the German bastion in the Ukraine. On August, 5, 1943, Konev’s troops liberated Belgorod. In honor of that Moscow has made its first salute. And Kharkov was captured on August, 5. Then the East Rampart on the Dnepr River was broken through. On February 20, 1944 Konev’s army made a “New (Minor) Stalingrad” to the Germans. 1 brigade and 10 divisions of General V. Stemmeran were surrounded and destroyed. The General was killed in action. Konev was promoted to Marshal of the Soviet Union. On March, 26, 1944 the armies of the 1st Ukrainian front were the first who achieved the state boarder. In July and August they defeated the Army Group “Northern Ukraine” of Marshal E. von Manstein in the Lvov-Sandomierz operation and captured Sandomierz bridgehead. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on July 29, 1944 for his leadership on the fronts, operations, during which strong enemy groups were defeated, personal courage and heroism, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Ivan Konev was awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union, granted the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (№ 4600). In January 1945, our troops as a result of rapid attack and bypass maneuver prevented the retreating enemy to destroy Silesia’s industry, which had great economic importance to friendly Poland. Konev’s troops participated in the Berlin operation and in the liberation of Prague. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet on June 1, 1945, for his leadership, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Ivan Konev was awarded the second Gold Star medal. In the postwar period the Marshal became a Commander of the Soviet Ground Forces (1946 – 1950), General inspector of the Soviet Army (1950 – 1951), First Commander and then he was named Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact (1956 – 1960). In 1961 – 1962 he commanded a group of the Soviet troops in Germany, was among Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defence. A member of the CPSU Central Committee since 1952 (deputy – in 1939—1952). A member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st – 8th convocations. Died on May 21, 1973. Was buried near the Kremlin Wall on Red Square in Moscow. Marshal I.S. Konev was awarded 7 Orders of Lenin, 3 Orders of the Red Banner, 2 Orders of Suvorov of the 1st Class, 2 Orders of Kutuzov of the 1st Class, the Order of the Red Star, medals, honorable inscribed weapon – sword with the gold Emblem of the USSR (1968), as well as foreign awards. Was awarded the top Soviet Order “Victory”. Was twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Czechoslovakian Socialistic Republic, and Hero of the Mongolian People’s Republic. Bronze bust was settled at his Home. The Almaty Higher Military Command School, a ship of the USSR Navy Department, streets in Moscow, Donetsk, Slavic, Kharkov, Cherkassy, and Kirovograd are named after Ivan Konev. |